Friday 1 September 2017


This week I did I writing test and I wrote three big paragraphs which is pretty good for me and I like writing stories. This is my story

The young boy had drowned almost a year ago but his parents were still looking for his body and grieving. But after days and nights of countless searching the parents gave up but never stopped grieving. It all started when the boy and his parents had gone on a nice trip to Bali. The water was warm clear and perfect for a young boy to go swimming. One day the family went on a boat tour around some islands. The warm as always was clear warm and perfect for swimming but was the day safe to go out on a boat?. No it wasn’t. As everyone on the boat was admiring the view and the water the little boy whose name was Lewis. Lewis was swimming around the boat and held onto it whenever it would go around some obstacles slowly. But then all of a sudden there were little, tiny crystal clear rain drops coming from the sky. Then the raindrops became bigger the clouds formed in a swirl and Lewis was terrified. He was desperately calling out to his parents as crew members scrambled to the sides of the boat to heave him up and then suddenly, a white flash and a crack so loud that everyone's ears where ringing. One of the crew members screamed burnt flesh melting down his face as he let go of Lewis. The sea now raged and the boat left in record time, but leaving young, frozen and scared little Lewis behind.

Lewis woke up with a disgustingly ugly face looking back at him. A whiskered, big lipped, wide faced catfish was circling around Lewis. “ That's strange?”, Lewis thought he had to be underwater to see something like this and even though he could see clearly (that was only because of his goggles) he felt like he was wet but breathing. Then Lewis’s heart stopped he was under water. He screamed but only bubbles came out, then he started crying. He remembered how he got here how his parents had been rocketed away on the boat, how they had left him to die. His tears under water were like normal tears except you couldn’t see them, and instead of going down they went up. Lewis lay there crying and crying for how long he didn’t know, he felt as if he would never ever be able to get up and swim back to the surface, he was tired hungry and heart broken.

Lewis woke with a pain in his arm the catfish was trying to swallow his arm!. He yanked back his arm little cuts and bruises bared his left arm as he was still trying to take it all in. But the catfish wasn’t a catfish it was a little shark. “ Ahhhhhhh!” screamed Lewis swimming for his life but the baby shark just followed him curiously and like it had almost known that this was the way that this thing whatever it was would react. Lewis could see that it was smoothly following him and he looked into its eye. It’s eyes were as black as the blackest night boring into him as though the shark wanted to be friends with him. Lewis stopped. The sleek shark's body rubbed against Lewis’s bare chest, “ that felt like sandpaper” Lewis though in his head. He softly put out his hand to touch the shark, it shied away a little but then let his hand rest on it’s head. Lewis felt a huge sigh of relief as he felt like he had just befriended a shark. “Wow” he thought that was weird. Then a thought came to his mind. I’m going to name you Fletcher he said. And just like that the little shark started racing around him as happy as could be.

The two friends swam around the islands near bali and even traveled further out into the deeper parts of the ocean. Although he still missed his parents he loved them and he knew that they loved him. He had a friend who helped him and even though that friend was probably the most unlikely of all friends he still mattered to Lewis. To this day people think that they can see Lewis and Fletcher roaming around the Islands of Bali. There is even a famous hunter looking to kill them and his name is Ollie Ritchie. Even if he did find them and killed them the pair's friendship would never be broken.

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