Friday 23 September 2016


Quick Write 3

Hiding under my bed is something. I don’t know what. There have been reports about people going missing. And sometimes they found a bloody stain against the window or walls. It had been spurted everywhere. Then i feel something soft. SOmething really soft and wet. It’s coming up the side of my arm. I froze my heart is beating faster than a Bugatti Veyron being chased by cops. Then i reach down and it’s just my dog. I feel safe that i have him. You know it’s really funny how I feel safe with my dog, like it’s only a dog. Then it sprints away yelping. I can hear him go out of his doggy door and out onto the street.

Then i feel something sharp. Something that smells like would and a little bit of those sharpening things that are suppose to sharpen blades. Then i have the sense that there is someone standing over me. Someone getting ready to swing an axe sort of thing at me. Woah this is real, roll out of bed. I hear an ear splitting crack as my bed shatter in half under the weight of the axe. I get up and sprint downstairs. The figure doesn’t seem to chase me he just stands there. Then when i can see the door he just comes out of nowhere and swings.

Luckily it didn’t get my head unluckily it hit a gas can. Wait what is a gas can doing in my living room? Then everything gets foggy and i get to low ground. I push myself through the doggy door with all the adrenaline going through me, I start to take a video when i get outside. I hear a screech of tires, it’s the police.

They are all armed. One of my neighbours must have called them. Then the figure comes out. I notice it’s a doll. But for some reason it only has one eye. One eye little overalls on and red hair. It starts sprinting towards us. Firearm bullets piercing through it. It starts chopping madly. It only manages to get it hacked into one person though. But it was brutal. He just kept on chopping and chopping into the person until it was just tangled pieces of body and blood. Then the doll gets ready to move onto it’s next victim, but then a huge light blows it up. There was an RPG that was just behind us.

Then I fainted. I wake up in a hospital bed. There was a doll behind me. I quickly open the window next to me and throw it out. Then a doctor comes in and tells me that everything is going to be ok. I just relax after he he says that. Only to find a doll hacking into my chest when I wake up I soon fal back asleep and never wake up again.

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